Being Human |
10 Must – Do’s Before You Die
It is actually pathetic to see your fellow humans suffer and even perish before time. Death almost always conveys that maybe it has come before time, whatsoever be the age. But the question that echoes at the back of the mind is that could they discover their purpose of life before leaving for the heavenly abode? Maybe not. At any age we are just so meticulously involved and eventfully occupied. If there are three stages of human life, the entire time of the STAGE ONE lapses in the pursuit ‘To Be’. There is so much to accomplish, the dreams, the desires and the destinations. And then the STAGE TWO fares the encumbrance of ‘To Maintain’. There are loads and loads of responsibilities, un-fulfilled dreams and self-imposed targets to be accomplished and all else can wait. But till when? Till the old age perhaps. Yet the old age which is the STAGE THREE and the final stage of life carries with it the dilemma of ‘To Relieve’. It may be the issues of ailing health, weaning out of the obsession or the ‘Maya’ of this human life which is not ready to relieve you. Or it might be the attachment with your relations, materialistic gains or even sometimes the lust for more. And thus, when you are at any particular time and period of your life, and while you remain perplexed and involved with all the ifs, buts and whys; comes the time to depart. It is the destiny, either cruel or demanding, but there is no escape what-so-ever. Therefore, whatever is your age today, or the Stage of your life, it is NOW simply the matter of How many Breaths? Because the countdown has begun.

1. Love Unconditionally
As human beings we generally tend to love all the ones who love us. This is something like returning the favour of the ‘goodness’ being showered upon us. But what about the rest of the world and why do we even need to love them? This is because it is the only Human emotion that is achievable in this Human life. Un-conditional love is Human nature. This is something like the love that a mother showers on her little one. Yet, in case you are in the habit of holding back onto this emotion, mainly judging the other person as not really qualified for the purity of the emotion of unconditional love, then there are many a chance that the emotion is not so pure within you anymore. Love was not put in your heart to stay there but to be given away unconditionally. You actually need to release the same. Someone once told me that the true meaning of unconditional love is ‘Rain without clouds’. This phrase surely conveys it all!
During the book release function of my fifth published book, I was asked by a newspaper reporter that does this not fill me with pride to have accomplished the publishing of five books in a row? I told him then that I actually do not understand the reason as for what I could take the credit. All that what I have been sharing in my books and writings is the ancient wisdom of healthcare which has been bestowed upon us by the primordial Indian Sages proclaiming the knowledge that has been received straight from Gods. And also, if I have been able to write and convey, this is again the ‘talent’ which the Almighty has gifted me with!
If you are living your days, something short of gratitude, think it over again. Maybe all of it is not to be boasted, yet entirely to be grateful for.

Being Human |
3. Forgive To Forget
In the long journey of life, we are at times sure to be hurt or deceived or even pained, yet these are the giving of the covetous world. This might or might-not be the Karma impediment, but before we have to leave, we have to release this burden and not un-necessarily get entangled in the why’s and who’s of the incident, and carry the futile baggage of it to our next birth and the births to come. And there could be the emotions of being separated from our loved ones, but we need not forget that similar would be our own plight as we are not immortal either. We too have to leave if not today, then tomorrow. We have to recover from whatever the grief, or else these emotions and memories would lie buried deep down within us in the form of un-resolved issues. We have to forget and we have to move on. There is no better escape that I know of than to forgive to forget. And to forgive, you would have to ‘Take the blame’ and the sheer responsibility of every single event. Let go and let God!
Our ancient Spiritual Wisdom communicates to us in the Sanskrit Shloka, “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina” This means that we pray that the entire humanity is happy, healthy and secure. This needs to be understood that it is high time, we pray for not only the peace and prosperity of ourselves and our homes, or our country, but also for the entire world and the humanity at large. Through our consistent efforts of praying for and blessing everyone, we could be the instrument of spreading the healing to hearts, mind and soul. It is only through the collective consciousness we can make our world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves but for all the future generations who are yet to abide by.
With all your heart spread the healing, unconditional love, forgiveness, blessing and abundance; and be prepared to receive the same manifold.
Being Human |
5. Tap Into His Bliss
There was a small incident that made me to think. Once I had plugged in my mobile for charging and left it there for the entire night. In the morning, when I had to use the phone, I was only surprised to find that my entire effort had gone futile as my mobile remained un-charged even after leaving it plugged on for the entire night. When I tried to find out the flaw, it became obvious that I had carelessly overlooked to turn the switch on. So it is logical that even though the mobile phone is plugged into the socket, if the switch is not turned on, the mobile will not be charged. Simple as that. Somehow I could relate the incidence to our lives. Just like the sun’s rays, the Almighty’s grace is continuously being bequeathed upon us every single day. And while we enjoy the human experience, let us not be in the dearth, and rather learn to tap into His bliss till the time is still there to reap the benefits of human life.
Being Human |
6. Arouse the Healer Within
Whatever the health condition you may be distressed with, and whatever could be the limitation that you are experiencing in the path of general wellbeing, all I want to convey is that you need to try and make unceasing effort to arouse the healer within. Even our holistic healing science of Ayurveda conveys that the Human body is destined to be in the state of Natural wellness till the last breath, and the Human mind is intended to be in the state of happiness and contentment till our last. Our body is self-healing mechanism and it will heal itself, if we allow it to do so. Thus, rather than to be succumbing to the physical condition and time and again memorizing about and proclaiming the same, it is all the more needed to be breathing the final in the condition of the blissful healthy state of body, mind and soul!
7. Create Happiness
You have to be happy today if you want to be happy tomorrow. Only happiness and the contented and blissful emotions that you are able to live today, are going to replicate in your impending experiences of life. At one time I was discussing about creating happiness with a Happiness Coach who would teach the art of being happy to numerous audience. This is what he told me. The easiest way to remain happy is to practice your presence and also learn to quickly jump back into your present situation and relax yourself. So, it is clear that ‘Happiness’ lies in the ‘Present moment’ which is away from the painful memories of the past, as well as the anxieties and fears of the future. The present state would also be relaxing for you as it is the greatest support to create happiness. God only wants you to be happy and content, be happy and give him back his gift. Before the last, whatever the physical age, do take up the task to create happiness and leave alone the worry.
Being Human |
8. Quit The Race
Do you find yourself pursuing the race, either sometimes or most of the time? Take a breather of fresh air and think slowly. Whom are you competing with and what for. If others are doing better than you, recognize their bliss (which they have very well accomplished from their glorious past performances) and if you tend to compare with those who could only be doing less and tend to boast out to yourself, then beware as this emotion could only be nourishing your ego and doing you more harm than good. If you enjoy being in the race, then it is high time you need to compete with your own self. There is much to do before the last breath (and none of us knows when the time would be up). Do keep in pursuit of your own forgoing and keep regular watch about the consciousness that are you on the track towards accomplishing the basic goals of Human life.

9. Discover Your Purpose & Live It fully
Please remember that nothing happens or has ever happened by chance, not even you. You are alive today and you are existing only because of The greatness of the Almighty, who still nestles this hope in the heart of hearts that while living the experience of this Human birth, you will still try and discover the mere purpose of your life, and also that you will live it fully as you had promised to abide by when he presented the golden chance! Do you know how eager he would be for each one of us? And always do you feel his proximity? If not, watch your own breath. If you are alive today and you are breathing, this is nothing other than the Supreme divine himself. Because once he leaves and the breath stops, for the entire world we are only going to be an abject to be disposed off. Nevertheless, with every single breath that you inhale, do perceive that this is none other than God that lives within you, just being you, none else.
Being Human |
10. Rejoice in Being Human
There was a Saint who was once crossing past the Sea and he could see a Crab almost drowning and quivering for saving itself. The Saint rescued the Crab and as he held the animal in his hand, the Crab bit him. The Saint let go and the Crab once again fell on the ground and jumped back into the Sea, repeating the similar occurrence. This happened many times. A passer-by curiously asked the Saint that why does he save the Crab, because every time he pulls it out of the water, the crab bites him. The Saint calmly replied, ‘The Crab is executing its nature, and I am performing mine.’ Rejoice in being human. The moral values and virtues that we have been gifted with, is un-available to all others living beings. Till we live to our last, we still have with us the golden chance to ‘live’ our life anew. This is all that is, and this is all that will be.
Being Human |
Do remember to live, before you die. And do not forget the 10 Must – Do’s before you Die.
About the Author:
Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.
Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon
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