Being loved is the strongest and most valid emotion mainly experienced through human heart in large, but also in every organisms created by The Supreme. It is rightly said – Love conquers all. You may be in love with another fellow being, a child, Natural wonders, the Creator, anyone or anything. But first of all, love has to be your own pride possession.
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Lesson No. 1. Charity begins at Home
I could understand that one would never be able to render love, unless and until, the individual is in true love with his/her own self. We are God’s chosen desire and ultimate creation in HIS own true image, and therefore it is the Almighty who dwells alone in the proximity of our heart. All He looks for is a heart full of love. When you’re in love with your own self, you discover the lover within, who is undisputedly your soul mate. In reality, this is your own soul. Love yourself first, don’t let your own self starve for this utmost bliss.
Lesson No. 2. You are in Love for Sure!
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Remember when you have really been in love, and surely none has been deprived of this beautiful bliss, then you would have known how suddenly your ego disappears, the world seems like a better place to live in, you are more happy as well as more grateful and you are actually full of life, It is only your beloved who resides in your thoughts and all you want is how you can make her/him even happier.
Unconditional Love
Lesson No. 3. Love is not Blind, We Are
There is this touching story I would like to share. While a man was polishing his new car, his four year old son picked stone & scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man took the child’s hand & hit it many times, not realizing he was using a wrench. At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father…. with painful eyes he asked ‘Dad when will my fingers grow back?’ The man was so hurt and speechless. He went back to car and kicked it a lot of times. Confounded by his own actions, sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches, child had written ‘LOVE YOU DAD’. Isn’t the same happening in the world around us? People are being used, and material things are being loved. So erroneous, it has to be the other way round.
Lesson No. 4. Get the Message Right
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e supreme message of God to all humanity, which speaks of his very existence. Have you noticed the feat of a sunflower? See how it comes alive when the sun does, and becomes rather succumbed at every dusk. The same sunflower is alive and beaming when the sun is around, also shrivels for as much time when there is no sun. This is Nature’s message to us about the rectitude of true love.
Unconditional Love
Lesson No. 5. The Sun and the Moon
Examples of true love are ample in Nature, all it calls for is to open your eyes to the bliss bestowed upon us by Mother Nature. Mesmerize yourself on the relative proximity between the sun and the moon. While the sun shines in far-off lands, it is dark of the night for us. But the moon is there shining right there in the sky. Does it not convey another illustration of love? Presence of moon, as it shines in its might, coveys that the Sun is there conferring love and devotion in the form of light which keeps them connected. And in its turn, the moon does not keep the entire luminosity to itself, but passes it on to the Earth. Love is not love if you hold on to it. Let it pass on , let it flow. Someone needs it, love is the priceless treasure that heals unobserved wounds.
Lesson No. 6. Love Conveys in Innocence
Unconditional Love |
Unconditional Love
Lesson No. 7. Beautiful Article about Love !
This is an article by Swami Vivekananda. I Once Had A Friend Who Grew To Be Very Close To Me. Once When We Were Sitting By The edge Of A Swimming Pool, She Filled The Palm Of Her Hand With Some Water And Held It Before Me, And Said This: “You See This Water Carefully Contained on my Hand?.. It symbolizes Love ! “This Was How I Saw It: As Long As You Keep Your Hand Sparingly Open And Allow It To Remain There, It Will Always Be There. However, If You Attempt To Close Your Fingers Round It And Try To Posses It, It Will Spill Through The First Cracks It Finds. This Is The Greatest Mistake That People Do When They Meet Love…They Try To Posses It, They Demand, They Expect…And Just Like The Water Spilling Out Of Your Hand, Love Will Retrieve From You . For Love Is Meant To Be Free, You Cannot Change Its Nature.
So it is understandable. That love cannot be caged, cannot be ordered or demanded. All this only exterminates true love. You can love a flower as long as you do not pluck it. Once plucked, you have interfered with the bliss the flower was enjoying as well as giving. The flower has lost its life, and also a true example of love has been gone forever.
Lesson No. 8. Love Lives in Freedom
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If you love someone, let him/her be free. Love is .. that gives, but does not expect in return. Love advices, but does not order and also love might ask, but never would it demand. True love is surrendered. Yet, it is as fragile as it is un-conditional. In an art exhibition, there was this poster of a child chasing a butterfly. I still remember the words inscribed on the wooden board.
‘ If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it is yours. If it doesn’t, It never was’.
If you love someone from your heart, then there can be no space in your life for expectations. Love will live, provided you can offer unconditional compassion.
Unconditional Love
Lesson No. 9. Love needs No Broadcasting
This is love. Undemanding, non-broadcasting and also not expecting. Love speaks in unsaid words, and conveys in simplicity.
Lesson No. 10. How Love Dies
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This is another story about Love and Ego. Please read it carefully. Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived together . One day there was a storm in the sea and the island was about to get drowned. Every feeling was scared but Love made a boat to escape. Every feeling boarded the boat . Only one feeling was left. Love got down to see who it was.. It was Ego ! Love tried and tried but ego wasn’t moving also the water was rising. Every one asked love to leave him and come in the boat, but love was made to love. At last all the feelings escape and Love dies with ego on the island.. Love Dies because of Ego.
Easy as that. want to starve your love, then feed your ego. But we all want it the other way. Do we not?
Article published here.
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About the Author:
Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon
Love your write up ! Really!! Thanks with heart