




Which Sleep Pattern Is Best For Your Dosha Type?


Did you know that you need to be more specific regarding the basic sleep pattern which would be highly suitable for the particular dosha which is dominant within you. Ayurveda Dosha Healing provides relevant details about this arena. For example, if you are Vata type, sleeping on your left side aids in right nostril breathing, which is warm and thereby balances the cold Vata. For Pitta types, having a nap in the moonlight or amidst cool air and showers, or in cool dark shade will do you good. Also, if you have more of Phlegm or Kapha in your system, sleeping during the daytime is a strict no-no for you.






Sleep Recommendation For Vata Dosha Types 

Of the three doshas, Vata is most easily affected by sleep inadequacy. This is mainly because Vata is light and erratic by nature. Also, a Vata person is generously a frivolous thinker with often fluctuating mental states—thus also a light sleeper. This condition could be aggravated in case the individual sleeps less or ignores/delays the call of sleep. Sleeping on your left side aids in right nostril breathing, which is warm and thereby balances the cold Vata.

Vata types may sleep on their left side. For the Vata dominant types, it is strongly suggested that you be more persistent and serious with your everyday sleep pattern. Lest it could make you more prone to insomnia, disturbed sleep and also physical attributes of excessive gas and belching. A sleep routine is incredibly amicable for the Vata individual because the frequently dodging mind has to be kept under control.

Sleep Recommendation For Pitta Dosha Types




In case the pitta dosha is dominant in your system, you need to understand that your sleep can be easily affected by external stimuli like lights and sound. So you need to keep your room dark and mildly scented with rose petals, lavender oil drops or henna leaves. Sleep on your right side so as to encourage the cool left nostril breathing. Also, having a nap in the moonlight or amidst cool air and showers, or in cool dark shade will do you good.

Sleep Recommendation for Kapha Dosha Types 





Kapha dominant individuals are of a steady and relaxed type. Therefore as Kapha dosha is largely stable and motionless [both physically and mentally], all factors that enhance relaxation like leading a sedentary life, sitting or resting for too long and especially sleeping for long causes dosha imbalance. Sleeping during the daytime is a strict no-no for you, in case you’re Kapha type. As you already have the tendency to sleep more than average, over-sleeping and day time sleeping are sure to result into Kapha aggravation and imbalance. On the contrary, early rising from the bed would be supportive. It is alright if the bedtime is delayed sometimes. You are also advised to be sleeping on your left side, which aids in warm right nostril breathing.







Rituals Before Bed Time

  • Drinking a glass of warmed and sweetened milk [preferably buffalo milk] with a pinch of balancing herbs like cardamom, turmeric, saffron or dry ginger powder helps you sleep sound.
  • Have a fixed routine before bedtime, like listening to soft music or reading. This signals the body to get ready for sleep. Activities like reading and meditation promote tranquility and peace of mind, a great aid for restful sleep.
  • Limit your intake of oily, spicy and heavy-to-digest meals before going to bed as this interferes in the natural pattern of sleep.
  • Massage your scalp and the soles of your feet, with a little oil [preferably sesame oil] just before you sleep.
  • Spend some time with your kids or family members, before going to bed.


Article published here


Watch Video: Ayurveda Tips For Insomnia (Loss Of Sleep)

About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.

Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon

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