Bala – Immense Health Benefits & Natural Usage of Herb





Bala or Sida cordifolia is a plant belonging to the cotton family, which has its origins in several topical and sub topical regions of the Indian subcontinent. This perennial herb is also known as Country mallow and Bala in English and Hindi languages, respectively. However, it has long been celebrated by Ayurveda and similar traditional systems of medication as one of the ultimate immunity boosting foods available in nature.


Composition And Health Promoting Properties

The seeds, leaves, roots and even the stem of the plant are used for various purposes, primarily beauty and medicinal. The extract contains some significant bio-active chemicals, including fatty oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponine, sterols and steroids, etc. The herb also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, and hypoglycemic, and some of the healing properties that the plant naturally possesses.


Bala – Range Of Benefits

  • This plant is known to promote beauty and grace. Regular use of this sweet tasting, light and sticky herb provides a naturally glowing skin.
  • It nourishes and strengthens your body from deep within, and helps get rid of chronic fatigue.
  • It boosts stamina and promotes strong bones.
  • While its anti-inflammatory property provides great relief in case of sore muscles and joints, being analgesic helps ease local pains. It can be found as a prominent ingredient in a variety of over the counter NSAIDs and pain killers.
  • Bala also exhibits incredible healing virtues. The paste obtained from crushed leaves of the plant make for an excellent wound dressing, and speeds up the recovery process.
  • The presence of stimulant alkaloids aids the process of fat burning and promotes weight loss.
  • It works great as a natural aphrodisiac and promotes sexual drive among men and women. It also enhances the quality as well as the quantity of male sperms.
  • Regular usage of this herb helps to cure the problem of erectile dysfunction (ED).
  • This rejuvenating herb also works as an effective nervine tonic. It naturally pacifies and balances all three doshas or energies in our body. That helps keep us protected against various diseases and disorders.
  • Loaded with antioxidants, it also works as an excellent appetiser.
  • Its stimulant and rejuvenating properties are good for your cardiovascular health
  • The leaves of this plant contain a chemical known as ephedrine, which is had the ability to stimulate the central nervous system (CNS).
  • The same chemical called ephedrine also acts has an effective bronchodilator and provides significant relief in case if asthma, bronchitis, chest congestion and stomatitis.



More Uses & Benefits

  • Sida cordifolia contains some natural anti-depressant properties. That makes it apt to be used by those suffering from stress, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
  • This herb also acts as a blood purifier and a natural detoxifying agent.
  • Bala is a natural diuretic. It increases the urine production, thus addressing the problem of fluid retention. Various urinary tract infections (UTIs) can also be relieved by regular usage of this herb.
  • It also works as a natural immuno enhancer and keeps us protected against some common and chronic everyday problems.
  • When used in combination with other herbs, bala can prove especially effective. For example, bala and ginger extract make for a promising cure in case of fever that comes and goes.
  • If you happen to suffer from incontinence or excessive vaginal discharge, mix bala powder in a warm glass of milk and some sugar. This combination will solve your problem.

Usage Recommendations And General Cautions

The extract obtained from this flannel weed that grows on wastelands and on roadsides, makes for an excellent dietary supplement. It is available in powder and tablet form, and is by and large safe for consumption barring a few safety concerns that may surface in case of over dosage. Also, dosage recommendations may vary depending upon the users age, health conditions and several other factors. Freshly extracted juice and paste also offer several health benefits. You may also chew on some cooked bala leaves to gain relief from the problem of bleeding piles. The plant also offers benefits when used externally. Topical application of this oil helps ease down the swelling and discomfort associated with arthritis.

Watch Video: Book – Healthy Living through Dosha Healing (Ayurveda)

About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.

Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon