Acidity? Know Herbs That Control Acidity



In the health conditions of Acidity, along with similar maladies of Gastro Oesophagus Reflux Disease (GERD), acid reflux, heartburn or acid indigestion, is a fairly common condition wherein people experience a strange burning sensation in their lower chest region. Eating heavy, acidic, spicy meals, lying down immediately after a meal, including a rather long gap between meals, consuming alcohol and dehydration, etc are some common things that contribute towards this particular gastric condition. These result in an excessive production of gastric juice in the stomach. It thus tends to flow in reverse direction, right towards the food pipe.

This condition of acidity is extremely annoying, discomforting and often embarrassing as it brings along bloating and bad breath. Nonetheless, there are few herbs and natural remedies that could help us enjoy our meal without worrying about the acidity that could follow.  Let us zoom in.


Herbs for Acidity

  • Adrak or Ginger remains one typical and most traditional herbal remedy against acidity. Having a nice warm cup of ginger tea, chewing on some freshly sliced ginger or having half a spoon of ginger juice (with adding some Mishri or Crystalline sugar into it) go a long way in relieving acidity symptoms.
  • You can also prepare a health drink using the herb of ginger. For this, to a glassful of warm water add a few drops each of ginger and freshly squeezed lemon juice. To this mixture add one teaspoon of honey and mix / stir well. Take this drink twice a day.
  • Exact some fresh juice from the herb of Aloe vera and about twenty to thirty ml may be taken twice a day preferably on empty stomach.
  • Chamomile is another herb that soothes our digestive tract and brings down its acidic level.
  • Tulsi or Basil is one more herb that offers instantaneous and effective relief especially from acid reflux issues.
  • Saunf or the Fennel seeds are further good option to try out. People have long been chewing on fennel seeds after meals, as they serve as a natural antacid.
  • Fresh juice extracted from the fruit of Anaar or Pomegranate is favourable for the ailment for hyper-acidity. Take it twice a day for relief.
  • The carminative property of Lavang or cloves is something that prevents excessive gastric acid from forming in the first place. Crushed cloves and cardamom, therefore, are not only good at relieving heartburn symptoms but also taste good and keep bad breath at bay.
  • Another useful natural help is sipping on Nariyal Pani or the Coconut water. Take this twice or thrice a day and this could help relieve the symptoms of acidity.
  • Moreover, steeping cumin seeds in water for a while and consuming it after a hearty meal helps balance the acidic levels and paves way for digestion.


Diet That Helps

Other than these, Gur or jaggery, banana, coconut water, buttermilk or simply a glass of cold milk are also considered to be good at preventing and treating acidity. If you are a common victim of acidity, you should not always turn towards those OTC alkalizers, but try out of these herbs and herbal options which are Mother Nature’s very own antacids!

About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.

Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon

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