Antioxidants Vs Free Radicals






When we consider nurturing of health and wellness, we must also be aware of the super power of anti-oxidants . It is for the reason that they offer a lot of virtues for enhancing our overall healthiness. This is as –

But first and foremost we need to understand about the free radicals.



Free Radicals – What are These?

  • Now knowingly or unknowingly, we tend to allow a number of not-so-healthy molecules enter into our body on an almost regular basis.
  • As such, they are not all that bad.
  • But once they start to interact with other molecules in our body leading to some absolutely health-damaging chain-reactions.
  • And therefore the problem would have just begun.
  • These molecules, once oxidize, can be host to a wide number of diseases.
  • And these ailments could be some acute and some very chronic.
  • These particles are free to move about anywhere in our body through the medium of our bloodstream.
  • Hence is the name – free radicals.



Where Do These Come From?

Our body has this naturally ability to produce a large number of free radicals.
This can happen by means of some seemingly normal, day to day activities, such as –
Inflammation and infection, on the other hand, are other sources of a free radical-intake.

The Good News!

The good news, however, is that our body is also gifted to create antioxidants. As the name suggests, these antioxidants help in more ways than one.
  1. One is they aid in slowing down, and sometimes, even preventing the oxidization of those unhealthy, unwanted free radicals.
  2. Also, these antioxidants have a tendency to rid our body of those free radicals by slowing down their activity.

Antioxidants Are Essential!

  • But with all said and done, the problem usually occurs at creating a balance in the production of both – the antioxidants and the free radicals.
  • That is just why it is recommended to look out for some external sources of antioxidants.
  • There are various supplements available in the markets, over the counter.
  • However, the natural sources include fresh, organically produced fruits and vegetables.
  • Also the nuts as well as grains and whole grains help.
  • Therefore, including a variety of seasonal fruits and veggies in your diet is a great way to increase the antioxidant level in our body.


Foods Rich In Antioxidants

There are a  number of foods and diet ingredients that could be of help to gain lot many antioxidants. Some sources include  –

  1. Corns,
  2. garlic,
  3. tomatoes,
  4. berries,
  5. sweet potato,
  6. spinach,
  7. dates,
  8. lemon
  9. Coconut oil,
  10. oregano,
  11. almonds,
  12. cloves,
  13. wheat grass,
  14.  carrots etc.

Benefits of Antioxidants

  • As the anti-oxidants combat free-radicals, an interesting benefit of these also is the prevention of oxidative stress.
  • This is because the free radicals sometimes have the potential to cause serious, damaging effect on our cellular DNA.
  • An excessive production of the oxidising molecules (free radicals) could make your tissues go weak.
  • And this may result in a temporary situation called oxidative stress.
  • In the long run, this may however lead to serious and irreversible diseases.
  • This is therefore another area where the role of antioxidants comes into picture.


More Virtues

  • These anti-oxidants are also known to offer a great deal of immunity to your body.
  • And this is mainly against a number of infections and diseases.
  • Although the vitamins, polyphenols and some minerals are known to obstruct the growth of disease causing free radicals.
  • This also includes those causing cancer.
  • Many severe diseases and infections causing molecules can also be checked by consuming a healthy amount of antioxidants.
  • They also keep a tab on the emergence or growth of other diseases, including cataract, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, etc.
  • Thus, by obstructing the growth, and in many cases, the very formation of these harmful free radicals, antioxidants allow our body to naturally fight some of the most serious, chronic diseases known to mankind.



What Studies Reveal?

Although studies indicate that, as you would age, the natural ability of your body to create these antioxidants tends to slow down. That is the time when these anti-oxidants are needed the most, and it is most recommended to obtain these by various other, external sources. Also, different antioxidants are known to provide benefits to different parts of your body. And that is why consuming a variety of foods rich in antioxidants is advised.

Watch Video: Honey: Essential Health Benefits & Precautions here 

About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant at Herboveda and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.


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