Ayurveda Daily Detox





Are you ready for everyday detox? If not, then you need to understand that the process of detoxification is essentially obligatory for you not only to ease the physical and mental maladies that you might be facing at the moment, or even if you are luckily harnessing the goodness of health and wellness, detox is going to be your biggest support to keep diseases and dosha imbalance at bay.

Why Ayurveda Counsels Detox?
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, pertains to disintegration and removal of ama which build up every single day within your system and thus hampers digestion. Every single day ama is building up in our system. And ama flush-out is highly obligatory and essential as not only is this interfering with the normal working of the body systems, but this is also laying ground for accumulating dosha imbalance which according to Ayurveda is the cause of numerous lifestyle diseases that world around the masses are suffering from nowadays. Detoxification has become a necessity in today’s world as formation of ama (toxins) is unavoidable due our lifestyle, food habits and environmental toxins. The various factors which leads to increase in ama include low digestive fire which leads to improper digestion resulting in formation of toxins, due to waste accumulation when excretion process is inefficient leading to accumulation of toxins, due to low tissue fire which causes incomplete tissue formation resulting in formation of toxins or due to bacterial toxins during infection by bacteria or virus or presence of pesticides, chemicals, preservatives in food.
Toxins are only Flooding In
Every single day the toxins are entering and building up in body systems. This is owing to our modernized living conditions which are invariable for one and all. Over scrumptious and fat – laden diets with static and lethargic lifestyle, all fortified with stress and strain, cut-throat competition, emotional and relationship discrepancies, environmental pollution and adulteration. As a consequence, the ama is sure to be produced and magnified within our bodies and mind, making us easy target to the distressing lifestyle diseases and severe health disorders.
Are You Ready for the Dire Consequences?
When Ama is continually building up in your system, this becomes toxic and venomous, which first and foremost sojourns the digestion. Ayurveda strongly believes that optimum digestion is essential for being healthy, and in case the agni or the digestive fire is disrupted, this lays ground for dosha imbalance and eventually invites grave physical as well as mental diseases.
Do I Need Detox?
You very much need to detox if you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms. This only tells you that the working of your agni (digestive fire) is being slowed down and there is ama building into your system. Liver is the organ which acts as detoxifier and filters out the toxins so that only pure blood and nutrients reach the various parts of body. But when there is excess formation of ama, liver may not be able to filter efficiently resulting in ama getting mixed with dhatus (body tissues) and malas (waste products) resulting in formation of more reactive amavisha which causes various disorders.
Physical Signs Of Ama Build Up
  • You feel bloating in stomach or heaviness after taking food.


  • Your tongue is coated, especially in the mornings.



  • There is lack of proper appetite even when it is your regular meal time.


  • You often experience the feeling of improper clearance of the bowels.


  • Signs of indigestion like excessive production of wind or occasional burning sensation and sour burps, or else feeling of lethargy along with loss of appetite are experienced every now and then.


  • There is common feeling of loss of energy and recurrence of infections.
Mental Signs Of Ama Build Up
  • You do not feel robust enough to take up to your everyday jobs.


  • There is feeling of irritation and occasional lack of self-confidence.



  • Negative emotions of being angered easily, being impatient and dis-oriented set in.


  • There are signs of tiredness and lack of mental clarity.
When Take Ayurveda Detox?
Ayurveda detox may be taken up on these basis:
Milder forms of Daily Detox
Thorough Seasonal Detoxification
Specified Ayurvedic Detox plans precise to your Health Condition.
Ayurvedic Treatments for Detox
Ayurveda offers Panchakarma Ayurveda treatments for thorough detox. It is highly suggested that you take up thorough detox therapies of Ayurveda Panchakarma, on biyearly or yearly basis. Ayurveda panchakarma treatments for thorough body detox and balancing body doshas of Vata, Pitta and Kapha may also be experienced during seasonal detox, particularly during Spring as well as Autumn and also the timely Monsoon detox can be of great benefit. For this purpose, it is always the better idea to take up the Ayurveda Panchakarma detox programs under the supervision of the Vaidya or the Ayurvedic Physician at an authentic Ayurvedic centre and following the most authentic Ayurveda procedures to relieve you from the toxicity as well as dosha imbalance.
Ayurveda Daily Detox Tips
Simple detox methods which can be followed daily include –
1) Start your daily Detox plan with reducing the stress by slowing down the lifestyle involving multi tasking, overload of information and mental over activity.
2) Diet must be regulated. Avoid junk food and refrigerated food which are difficult to digest. Meals must be taken same time everyday as it strengthens the digestive fire. Main meal must be covered in breakfast and lunch followed by light dinner. Avoid snacks between the meals. Certain fruits, vegetables and spices are helpful in detoxifying process. E.g. Apple, Papaya, Berries, Pears, pineapple etc. Fibrous Vegetables like cooked green leafy vegetables and cabbage are also useful in detoxification. Certain spices such as turmeric, ginger, coriander, fenugreek, fennel helps in the detoxification process.
3) Sipping warm to hot detoxifying tea throughout the day is an effective way to remove toxins from the body. The tea includes teaspoon each of cumin seeds, coriander seeds, fennel, few fresh basil leaves and lemon juice.
4) In case you are undergoing detox, you also need to take care of getting sufficient rest and must sleep by 10pm and wake up by 5 or 6 am. This helps to keep toxins under control as irregular sleep pattern causes toxins to rise.
5) Mild exercise like walking, breathing exercises and yoga asanas are helpful in improving the digestion process and removing the excess of toxins from body.
6) Daily massage with Ayurvedic warm oil (Abhyanga) helps loosening of impurities from the tissue, allowing them to move in digestive tract. Daily massage with warm herbal oils like sesame seed oil helps in mobilizing the toxins from tissues to the elimination tract and restores the balance of the tridoshas vata, pitta and kapha. 3 areas in the body that need to be massaged daily are – Soles of the feet, scalp and around the ears.
What Ayurveda Recommends
  • Ayurveda recommends various cleansing and rejuvenation methods which are effective to find the right balance of mind, body and soul along with the nature.
  • Daily meditation for about 20 minutes is needed to ease the mental and emotional demonstration. This mainly helps in mental purification and emotional release.
  • Deep breathing exercises like Nadi shodhana or alternate nostril breathing can be a great way to start our day as it helps to get read of allergic problems and sinus and is effective cleansing process for nasal passages.
  • Oil pulling is another great support for daily detox. 
  • There are many Yoga asanas which are effective to release the toxins from body and relax the mind from day to day stress.
  • Daily detox needs to be supported with a healthy diet plan which includes more of vegetables and fruits and less of processed foods.
  • Maintaining proper intervals between the meals and maintaining the right eating habits is essential. Also, taking all of the six basic tastes viz. sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent, is needed.
  • Herbal teas act as powerful antioxidant and those which include herbs that help in liver detoxification.
  • Certain herbs like Ashwagandha, Triphala, Ginger, Brahmi, turmeric and Guggulu are beneficial and offer an effective cleansing and detoxification to the body.
  • The tongue scrapper and dry brush are also used in daily detox practices. Tongue scrapper is effective in removal of undigested toxins from top of the tongue by gentle scrapping. Similarly, dry brushing helps to remove dead cells of skin and optimizes the circulatory system.
  • Also, in case you are undergoing detoxification, you need to take sufficient rest and sleep which is essential to reduce the stress and find the equilibrium with Mother Nature.


Benefits of Daily Detox
Whereas this practice of taking up daily detox could help you to boost digestion, enhance immunity levels and proper evacuation of bowels, this may also save you from so many lifestyle ailments like obesity, hypertension, anxiety, insomnia, allergies, early aging, low levels of energy, joint and muscle pains as well as the dreaded diseases like cancer.

About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.