There are particular foods and diet options for your particular dosha type! Ayurveda lays much emphasis on the right food intake. Most of the ailments are believed to result from an incompatible diet or the wrong food intake and leading to an incorrect lifestyle. The holistic healing science of Ayurveda counsels to bring about a change in the Aahara (Daily food intake) and in the Vihara (everyday lifestyle) so as to gain wellness. Most of all, the importance of food choices is high.
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Ayurveda Diet
Your Diet Affects Your Dosha
It has been specifically acknowledged that a dosha or body humor tends to get aggravated mainly by undertaking Aahara and Vihara of the properties similar to the respective doshas. This is because ‘like increases like’. Hence, the vitiated or aggravated dosha can only be nullified by taking foods which mainly oppose that particular dosha in properties.
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Ayurveda Diet
Diet for Vata Dosha type
In case you have more of Vata in your system, or you are having some sort of Vata aggravation; Vata balancing foods are highly recommended for you.
■ You need to consume more of the foods which oppose the properties of Vata (cold, light, dry) which means that your food intake should be warm, heavy and unctuous.
■ Food that is high in nutritive value and energy giving helps subside the air distorted humor.
■ Some herbs like Brahmi, Sankhpushpi that are intellect promoting would help to keep the mind fixed and stable. Ayurveda foods would generally be of great benefit here.
■ Out of the six tastes, you may choose foods which are primarily sweet, salty and sour and also the foods prepared from the other three tastes, i.e. bitter, pungent and astringent are discouraged.
■ Intake of oil of Til seeds (sesame seed) is also recommended to allay Vata and keep the humor in control. Use some warming oil like Sesame seed oil or Mustard oil for preparing your Vata balancing diet.
■ Stimulating and digestive herbs and condiment powders when included in everyday food, helps to keep the gastric fire upright. This is because according to Ayurveda, a Vata person by and large has disturbed gastric fire or vishamagni.
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Ayurveda Diet
Diet For Pitta Dosha type
When your Pitta dosha is imbalanced and aggravated, you tend to have more of fire in your system. So as to allay this humor, you need to choose Pitta balancing foods.
■ As the agni or gastric fire is vigorous in case you have increase of Pitta dosha, you need to snack more often especially on the right foods so as to avoid gastric burning and hypoglycemia. The low sugar levels due to easy combustion of food would further cause undue irritation and weakness.
■ The three tastes that have been optional in balancing Pitta dosha are sweet, bitter and astringent.
■ More sweets, succulent fruits, sweetened deserts and fruit juices are rather recommended for the fire types.
■ If you want the Pitta dosha to be balanced, foods made with ghee (clarified butter), more so on ghee prepared with cooling and calming herbs.
■ Milk and milk products are another dietary benefit for balancing Pitta dosha and thus may be incorporated in your everyday foods.
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Ayurveda Diet
Diet For Kapha Dosha types
For balancing Kapha dosha or the phlegm body humor, your everyday diet intake should contain more food choices that go against the basic traits of Kapha.
■ Make your choice of foods with more of the three rasas (tastes) that are pungent, bitter and astringent which are recommended in Ayurveda therapy to alleviate phlegm.
■ Moreover, as against the basic properties of the phlegm humor, a Kapha person’s food should be somehow rough, light, potent and hot.
■ Foods prepared with most of the stimulating spices and condiments are favourable.
Watch Video: Ayurveda Diet Tips For Dosha Types – Vata, Pitta, Kapha Diet Chart
About the Author:
Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.
Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon
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