Ayurveda Enlightens On Good Moral Conduct




Our ancient wisdom healing of Ayurveda equates Sadavritta or the Moral Conduct of an individual to a shield that helps in preventing disease from entering the body. It is believed that the moral attitude makes for the physical as well as mental safeguard barrier.

What Ayurveda Says?

Ayurveda counsels that following of a positive moral conduct ensures balance of mind humors (Rajas and Tamas) and most importantly aids in stabilizing the Satwa or the balanced positive quality of the mind. This would not only help in keeping ailments away (with balancing of Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas), but also help you rid yourself from any physical and mental impediment.



Mental Disease Arises Due To Misconduct

It is believed that the attitude of misconduct uproots from the human mind. Delinquencies like anger, lust, greed, infatuation, fear, jealousy, grief, anxiety, worry and antagonism furthermore take the form of imbalance of the mind. The mental doshas of the mind viz. Rajas and Tamas get imbalanced and vitiated and this furthermore creates discrepancy in normal functioning of the mind. And as a consequence, a number of mental ailments might arise. This entire process represses the balancing of the Satva property of the mind.




Physical Ailments Might Crop Up

This needs to be understood that the three doshas of the physical body viz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha become easily affected and fall out of balance as a result of vitiation of mental doshas of Rajas and Tamas.




How Moral Conduct Combats Disease?

Sage Manu laid emphasis on ten indispensable regulations that need to be maintained in accordance to ascribing to the virtues of morality. These are dhriti or patience, kshama or forgiveness, dama or piousness, asteya or truthfulness, shauch or purity, indraiya-nigrah or the control of bodily senses, dhi or reasoning, vidya or education, satya or candor and krodha or the absence of anger.



Why Moral Conduct Is Essential  

There are two modalities that concur with the credibility of having a moral conduct.

  • Perception of natural well being of an individual.
  • Another important manifestation of this is to be able to be a controller of your bodily senses.
  • This means becoming a master of your body as well mind (including the senses) would make you tough and resistant, and in the long run reward with the assets of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual fitness and forbearance. Also, when a person follows moral values, he would be living in harmony with the universal laws




The Eight – Fold Path Of Moral Conduct

The Eight-fold path preached by Buddha signifies magnitude of leading a natural life with moral values.

The Right Speech

Right Action

The Right Livelihood

Right Efforts

Right Mindset

The Right Concentration

Right Perception

The Right Judgment

These eight pathways are a guide of how to lead your life following the principles of morality, mental culture and wisdom. Thus is clear that when you tend to live your life following the right moral values, you are liberated as well as enlightened.


Article Published Here.


About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant at Herboveda and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.


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