Effective Natural Remedies for Relieving Oral Bacterial & Fungal Infections




As the name suggests, oral bacteria are the microorganisms that thrive inside our mouth, and feed on the leftover food particles. There are millions of tiny little bacteria inside our mouth, at any given moment.


Understanding Oral Bacteria

But not all of them are the foes we take them to be. Some of them, in fact, are good bacteria which keep the bad ones away and keep the inside of our mouth, hygienic and germ free. They also help in the digestion process, by contributing towards the actual breakdown of the proteins and sugar in your food starts. These healthy bacteria, often referred to as probiotics – trigger the enzymatic reaction, and allow the saliva to digest the food that we eat. The same saliva is also useful in keeping various oral health issues at bay. It washes down most of the food particles that we eat, which could otherwise invite more bacteria to thrive and survive, right inside our mouths.

The bad bacteria, on the other hand, cause more harm than the good caused by their counterparts. They feed on almost everything, and settle almost everywhere inside our mouth. In turn, they secrete acids and harmful substances that affect our oral health, and cause damage to the gums and teeth enamel.


What Causes Oral Fungal Infections?

Just like the bacteria we just talked about, it is absolutely normal for Candida albicans, a certain kind of fungus, to be present inside our mouth. But complications arise when its accumulation increases beyond a certain point, and a thick layer starts to deposit right on the lining of our mouth. Also known as oral thrush, oral fungal infections can lead to painful and discomforting lesions, on the tongue and/or on the inner cheeks? Other common symptoms include oral bleeding, loss of taste, and even some difficulty in swallowing. It usually subsides on its own in a matter of few weeks, if we use anti-fungal ointments, medications, or mouthwash. This condition is relatively common, albeit extremely discomforting, among babies, as well as those with certain immune deficiencies.

Tips to Keep Oral Bacteria and Excessive Fungus at Bay

  • Make sure you brush your teeth on daily basis, and if possible, 2-3 times a day, after each meal. Also, change your toothbrush often, about once in three months.
  • Rinse your mouth often, as it not only flushes the bacteria away, but keeps it clean and smelling fresh.
  • Scrape your tongue, as it prevents the bacteria from being in your tongue and feed on the food debris.
  • Reduce your sugar and carbohydrate consumption, and cut down on acidic foods. Bacteria thrive on these foods by breaking them down and producing acid, which can damage the tooth enamel, and cause mouth odour.
  • In order to prevent the damage caused by acidic foods, alkaline foods must be included in your diet. These include fresh and seasonal fruits as well as vegetables. They are not only good for our oral health, but also improve our overall health.
  • Quit smoking and drinking, as it not only contributes to bacteria, but also lead to bad breath, stained teeth and a much-reduced sense of taste.
  • Last but not the least, make sure to visit your dentist regularly for oral cleaning and check-up.

It is believed that our oral health directly represents our overall health. And therefore, the oral issues that we face could, in fact, affect the rest of our body. By indulging in regular dental hygiene, we are not only doing your oral region a favour, but also to our overall health.


Natural Remedies Keep Bacterial and Fungal Infections Away

Let us list down some herbs that are known for their healing prowess, and those that go a long way in maintaining our oral health.

Turmeric This king of all herbs is loaded with healing properties, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic. In order to manage oral thrush, ward off oral bacteria and maintain your oral health, simply consume a glass of warm golden milk, each night before you hit the bed.

Lemon Juice – It contains significant antiseptic and antifungal properties. All you need to do is take half a lemon, add it to a glass of warm water, and use it as a mouth rinse.

Salt water – Being a natural disinfectant, it prevents the accumulation of food debris in between our teeth, thus keeping the bacteria away. Make a quick mouth rinse using half a tsp of salt in a glass of warm water. Take a sip, swish around and spit.

Clove oil – Prepare a DIY clove-based mouthwash by adding a spoon of whole cloves to a glass of water, and allowing it to boil for 5-10 minutes. Once it has cooled, strain the mixture and use it to rinse your mouth. This fold remedy goes a long way in getting rid of damage causing oral organisms.

Curd/Yogurt It is loaded with probiotics, the good bacteria as we know them to be. Have a bowl of fresh, unflavoured yogurt every day to keep the bad bacteria away, and treat the problem of oral thrush.


About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.



Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon

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