How to keep your Agni (Gastric Fire) invigorated lifelong as per Ayurveda




                Improper Digestion is every third person’s problem nowadays. Due to stressful lifestyle and unhealthy food it is very common health issue, if not treated appropriately ,it can be the root cause for some other big health issues like , arthritis , hyper acidity etc.

Our ancient medicine knowledgebase, Ayurveda, has solution to all the health related questions. According to Ayurveda, there are four main agents which participate in the process of digestion in our body –

  1. Agni (Fire): With the prime application of pachak pitta it digests food .
  2. Vayu (Air): Vayu or the air moves the food and also at the same time fans the Agni.
  3. Kleda (Moisture and Viscosity): It moistures the food and softens it. These are the belongings of Kledaka Kapha.
  4. Kaala (Time): Time is essential for the completing for the process of digestion.


What is Agni?

According to Ayurveda, fire is the expression of body humour, or the Pitta.

Agni contributes to all the transformation activities in the body. When we eat food, Agni :

  • Decomposes and transforms the food.
  • Responsible for the process of oxygenation.
  • Pachaka pitta (Agni) digests the food in stomach and in intestines.

Digestion and metabolism are two main processes for which Agni is responsible. When Agni is not functioning properly, food will not be digested. This defective agni produces aama, or undigested food. Ama causes fermentation and decay in the stomach and consequently results in formation of diseases.


Types of Agni

Ayurveda recognizes various types of Agni.

  • Jatharagni: Jatharagni is the main vital Agni, or the digestive fire which works in the abdomen. This is mainly responsible for conversion, and digestion of the entire food that we eat.
  • Dhatwagni: Seven Agnis:  majja, rasa, rakta, mansa, medha, asthi, and shukra , These agnis are significant as their working on the level of the 7 body tissues
  • Bhootagni: There are five agnis which pertain to and work upon the five panchbhoots: aakasha, vayu, tejasa, jala and prithvi. This agni works on digesting the food on elementary level.


Keep It Going



Few things to keep in mind to light up your Agni lifelong and get rid of Ama

  • Do Meditation and Yoga: Restful body, mindfulness, Peace will help you keep the balance in body. Stay away from anything that makes any of your senses feel uncomfortable, clogged, chocked or unclean, Use Meditation and yoga for peace and relaxation.
  • Do Not Overeat:  Don’t do emotional eating . Eat only when you are hungry. Keep appropriate time gap between two meals, not too long not too short.
  • Eat Healthy: Focus on having Bitter, pungent and astringent flavours . Fruits and Raw vegetables contain these flavours. Pure ghee, honey and cow’s milk along with whole grains and spicy herbal teas could do your some favour
  • Focus on Positive Aspects, Release Negative Thoughts: Good thoughts, keeping away from unnecessary stress, positivity and meditation works wonders in concentrating on awakening Agni and eliminating Ama.
  • Ayurvedic Remedies: There are proven and efficient ayurvedic home remedies which can be used for better digestion.

Ginger Tea: Ginger tea is helpful in digestion and is recommended to have after meals for better digestion.

Ginger and Lemon: one can take small piece of ginger with dash of lemon juice before meal to awaken Agni and help digest food better.

Fennel Seeds: Chew it after meals to prevent gas and fatigue.

There are many more other remedies including cayenne pepper, cardamom, asafoetida (hing) , Triphala to elevate Agni and keep it invigorated for lifelong.



About the Author

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.

Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon


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