Have you tried relieving your joint pains with Sonth or Saunth? While Ginger delivers culinary respite, Sonth (dried Ginger) also is a source of healthy anti-inflammatory as well as restorative aids, which are gifted with the natural property of calming and comforting the painful joints, and also releasing the inbuilt soreness and inflammation and this makes Sonth a natural reliever of joint pains.

Wellness Supporter 

It is interesting to note that this globally popular herb also comes loaded with numerous nutrients as well as some potent and powerful health restoring benefits. Although ginger which is a member of the family of plants that includes cardamom and turmeric can be used in various forms, such as fresh, dried or extracted, it is the dried and powdered form of this herb which makes it most beneficial on the health front. Also known as Sonth, it happens to be an effective folk medicine owing to its varied therapeutic properties. It has been used and recommended for over thousands of years by various traditional as well as alternative systems of medication, especially by Ayurveda, for the prevention as well as for curing a number of health conditions, particularly the joint pains.

Health Gain With Sonth

Dried Ginger or Sonth is the giver of many beneficial health curative as well as preventive benefits. These include:

  • providing relief from pain and inflammation
  • preventing and treating infections
  • improving risk factors associated with heart diseases
  • lowering and regulating blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels
  • curing the problem of chronic indigestion, gastrointestinal disorders and discomfort related with stomach
  • providing relief from menstrual pain and cramps
  • Providing our immune system a boost, thanks to the presence Gingerol, the chief bio-active compound in the herb that is responsible for the inherent medicinal properties of Ginger. And this portrays powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • Aids in reducing weight.
  • Reducing nausea and morning sickness.

Relieves Joint Pains

Sonth is especially effective in providing relief from mild to severe pain and inflammation, especially which is related to the joints. Joint pain is fast becoming an increasingly common medical condition owing to a number of factors which can surface like an injury, joint dislocation, fracture, gradual wear and tear, sedentary lifestyle, diet and nutrition snags, growing age, etc. While the ratio of women suffering from knee pain is much more compared to their male counterparts, it is believed that more than forty percent of world population complains of suffering from the ailment of joint pains. And while there are various natural remedies that can provide temporary relief, including the use of some herbs such as aloe vera, basil, turmeric, cinnamon etc, it is Sonth or the dried ginger powder which is actually more effective of the other herbal options. And however Sonth is fairly hot and should be used in moderation, yet the regular usage of this miracle of a herb can not only ease the everyday joint problems, but also those cropping out of gout and arthritis.

Benefit Of Local Application

Owing largely to its anti-inflammatory properties, the use of Sonth, often mixed with salt, helps bring down the swelling associated with aching joints. Gingerols and Shogoals, the bio-active phytonutrients present in the same, are primarily responsible for providing relief from the pain and discomfort, as well as the soreness, if any.

DIY Ointment With Sonth

Painkillers should be the last resort, as there are various tried and tested home remedies that can quite undo the pain and discomfort caused by the joint pains and also by sore muscles. You could prepare a DIY ointment by mixing some Sonth along with nutmeg extract and sesame oil, for dipping a bandage in it and applying it topically on the affected joint. Daily consumption of Sonth also helps relax the tense and tired muscles along with the related sore joints.


Watch Video: How To Relieve Constipation With Natural Home Remedies (English / Hindi)


About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.



Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon 


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