Speaking Sessions, Workshops & Ayurveda Consultancy
Speaking and Presenting Workshops for Health & Wellness

Dr Sonica Krishan has presented Workshops and has been invited as a Speaker both Nationally and Internationally at many reputed organizations
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Public Workshop
Identify with Dosha Healing
Our ancient science of Ayurveda that has long back conceptualized the theory of our innate personality which marks our lifelong subsistence. Not only has this proficient knowledge helped us to categorize ourselves in relation to our innate foundation, but once we are clear on the subject, we can virtually understand ourself better and eventually take care of our entity gaining lifelong physical as well as mental wellness. And this surely is the need of the times.
1. Identify yourself (in accordance to the Dosha which is dominant within you).
2. Understand yourself ( Know how your dominant Dosha makes you different in both the spheres of physical constitution and mental temperament; which is recognized as your Prakriti).
3. Take care of yourself ( and become aware of the imbalances or Vikriti that might be setting into your system, owing to the diet and lifestyle incongruity) Dosha Healing workshop provides you with answers to the questions that often bother us on subconscious grounds and yet remain unanswered like:
- How are we formed or came into existence?
- Why we all humans are not just the same, and rather differ in physical appearance and mental temperament?
- What actually governs our basic constitution?
- Although following most of the prescribed ‘Health Rules’ how come we still seem to lose our wellness every now and then?
- And last but not the least when and how our natural health can be restored?
When you understand the concept of Dosha Healing, you can be better aware of your own personality type and understand why you differ in physical personality as well as mental temperament, from all others around you. And also, recognize the everyday diet and lifestyle that suits your basic Prakriti. Dosha Healing thus works both as Preventive as well as Curative therapy for your Holistic Well being.

Bliss of Meditation
Are you practicing Meditation daily? If not, then you are surely missing on the very exclusive need of your life. The beauty of Meditation imparts the benefit of acquiring and also maintaining the positive health of the mind. Learn and experience the applied tool of Meditation that may be employed in everyday life for better mental health and relaxation.
This Meditation process can be easily brought into your everyday lifestyle for gaining self healing, inner peace ,joy and bliss, on all the physical, mental and emotional levels. Also, meditation is a natural stimulant for good health, enhances energy levels and eliminates negative emotions.
- Are you interested to learn the natural, original and simplest form of meditation ?
- Can you spare sometime of your busy day schedules which promises mental balance and calm, without putting in much effort?
- Want to indulge in the natural process of insight, which helps you to easily evade the everyday anxiety and pressures of life?
Yoga for Everyday Health
Learn the right application of Yoga techniques ( Asanas and Pranayamas) which may be practiced daily to make your body healthy, light and fit. Easy to do Yoga is suitable also for the beginners, and make you competent enough to stay away from lifestyle related diseases, help combat stress and also create a sense of calm and inner peace. Not only this, practicing these simple yet effective Yoga techniques helps you to detoxify and promises a radiant and symmetrical physique.
- Are you interested in yoga?
- Do you want to enhance your energy, spirit and well-being?
- Are you uncertain where to begin?
Then this workshop is perfect for you! Welcome yourself to this nurturing and inspirational beginning to your everyday yoga experience.
All this and more is in store for you in the Holistic Wellness workshops. Experience and participate individually or with your family in this one day, or two days, personalized and practical training (along with individual consultation) workshop with experienced Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation Consultants.
PS. This is the Basic Workshop plan which can be modified according to your or your organization needs.
Some Distinguished Public Workshops by Dr Sonica Krishan
Topic: Heart Disease – Prevention and After Phase Organized by: Fortis Hospital, Chandigarh, Surgical Society & Punjab Cardiology Society
Topic: Yogic Way to a Healthy Heart Organized by: Cardiomersion 2012 – Lifestyle & Surgery
Topic: ‘Mums Versus Fussy Eating’ – Children’s essential nutrition needs and recommendations. Organized by: Himalaya drug Co.
Topic: Stress-free Healthy Living Organized by: SUNAYAM (Spiritual Understanding of Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Alternative Medicine and Meditation).
Topic: Joint Pains and Ayurveda Remedies Organized by: Bharat Vikas Parishad
Topic: Understanding GYM (Gita, Yoga and Meditation) Organized by: Sub Regional Conference of NIRC of Institute of Chartered accountants of India.
Topic: Ayurveda- The way of Life Organized by: Dabur XL
Topic: Role of Ayurveda in General Health Organized by: Govt and TGT Teachers
Topic: Vedic Pravachana Organized by: Arya Samaj
Topic: Discourse on Ayurveda Healing Science Organized by: DAV Institute
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Ayurveda Centre/Spa
The Centre/ Spa/ Retreat/ Resort

Ayurveda Panchkarma Treatment
Panchakarma is considered the ultimate detoxification experience for the mind, body and soul.As the name suggests, Pancha means Five and Karma are the therapeutic measures, therefore Panchakarma means five types of therapeutic measures. These are undertaken for the purification of the body and Ayurveda considers it necessary before the start of any other therapy. As the body needs to be purified before it can be permeated with new colors of youthfulness,
health and vigor etc. In fact, most of the time, Panchakarma is an end in itself rather than a prelude to other therapeutic measures. If toxins in the body are abundant, then a cleansing process known as panchakarma is recommended to purge these unwanted toxins. This five fold purification therapy is a classical form of treatment in ayurveda. These specialized procedures consist of the following:
- Therapeutic vomiting or emesis (Vaman)
- Purgation (Virechan)
- Enema (Basti)
- Elimination of toxins through the nose (Nasya)
- Bloodletting or detoxification of the blood (Rakta moksha)
Properly performed, Panchakarma removes both Physical and Mental toxins. If allowed to stay for longer period, it sets in motion many imbalances to take place and manifests in various diseses. Ayurveda recommends regular Panchakarma once a year to maintain good health. An Ayurvedic doctor (Vaidya) will after consultation will advise the right kind of Panchakarma for you.
Ayurveda Rejuvenation Therapies
Rejuvenation treatments are designed to revitalize the body tissues, remove accumulated stress and toxins from mind and body, which are usually the result of unhealthy lifestyle. These treatments replenish the vital fluids, thereby increasing our body’s resistance against diseases and promoting longevity. Rejuvenation therapies ensure optimum strength and good health. Bring calmness, improve concentration, memory and makes skin look radiant.
- Abhyanga and Sweda
- ShiroDhaara (thread of bliss)
- LaghuAbhyangas
- Padabhyanga(Ayurvedic foot rejuvenation)
- Mukhabhyanga(Ayurvedic face rejuvenation)
- Udavartana
- Padaghata
- NetraTarpana(NetraBasti, AkshiTarpana)
- Kati Basti
- GreevaBasti
- JanuBasti
- Chakra Basti
- HridBasti
- Navarakizhi
- PatraPindaSweda
- Kashayasekha
- Saravangadhaara (Pizhichil)
- Shirobasti
- ShiroPichu
- Sudation Therapies
Ayurveda Beauty Therapies
The ancient texts of Ayurvedic Medicine have abundant information on beautifying treatments and techniques for the whole body. We have carefully selected and adopted these treatments and they are very popular among our guests. Many famous temples in India such as Belur, Halebeedu and Khajuraho have the most beautiful carvings of women enjoying these beauty treatments; the most famous one is ‘DarpanaSundrki’ (the lady admiring her beauty in the mirror).
- Ayurveda Foot Rejuvenation
- Ayurveda Mehandi Benefits
- Ayurveda Face Rejuvenation
- Keshini (Ayurvedic Hair Rejuvenation)
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Health-Care Content Development Services
“I consider writing both as passion as well as my purpose of life. The latter has evidently come true with my association with Ayurveda writing and the acceptance (and virality on online media) that I have found worldwide for my posts and articles. Although, my niches are holistic healing arena as well as preventive health care, I have thoroughly enjoyed doing freelance health writing in most of the topics relevant to holistic healing, mainly Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Meditation and Spirituality. All these topics, along with articles on Natural Herbs, Natural Lifestyle, Preventive Health Care tips and Home Remedies as well as the significant take of Ayurveda ancient wisdom on Dosha Healing has been my arena of writing.
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