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Sciatica |
Sciatica is a condition in which a herniated or ruptured disc applies pressure on the sciatic nerve of the body. This large nerve branches down the spinal column from your lower back to its exit point in the pelvis, hips and buttocks and carries nerve fibres to the leg. In Sciatica a radiating pain is experienced along the path of the sciatic nerve.
Ayurveda Understanding of Sciatica
According to Science of Ayurveda, Sciatica is known as Gridhrasi and is caused mainly by an increase or aggravation of “Vata Dosha” or the air body humor that might have resulted from strain to the back due to poor conditioning, posture, or due to back sprain caused by structural damages such as ligament tear etc. Although Ayurveda also considers that Sciatica or Gridhrasi may be caused due to vitiation in the ‘Vata’ as well as ‘Kapha’ doshas or the air and phlegm body humors. It is further anticipated that constipation tends to aggravate the disease. Sciatic pain is felt as numbness, pins & needles and sometimes this is also associated with muscular weakness.
Ayurvedic Herbs for Sciatica
Some of the Ayurvedic herbs found to be beneficial in case of Sciatic pain are:
Babunah (Bitter Chamomile)
Guggulu (Indian Bedellium)
Rasna (Vanda Orchid)
Jaiphal (Nutmeg)
Kumari (Indian Aloe)
Also, as traditional Ayurvedic home remedy, the local application of the clove oil is also regarded beneficial for relieving pain in the malady of sciatica. For this purpose, the oil should be warmed and then massaged into the site of pain.
Ayurvedic Treatments for Sciatica at Ayurvedic Centre
Ayurveda treatment for Sciatica includes Balancing the Doshas which mainly involve strengthening the joints and rejuvenating the nervous and the muscular system. The Ayurvedic treatment modalities for sciatica at the Ayurvedic Centre include Panchakarma, external therapies, internal medications, Various Activities, Advice of food and recommended life style changes.
Panchakarma – Virechana and Basti. Check out the Video – Panchakarma – Ayurveda Brilliance Of Thorough Detoxification
External Ayurvedic Therapies – Abhyanga, Kati Basti, Pichu, PPS, SSPS, Kashaya Seka, Sarvanga Dhara
Internal Medication – Agni Deepana and Ama Pachana. These Ayurvedic medicines are specifically suggested for improving the digestion as well as body metabolism.
Vatanulomana – Regulating the Vata dosha or the air body humor, which is largely responsible for movement.
Rasayana – This are particularly provided to the patient suffering from sciatica for strengthening the joint, nervous system and muscular system.
Ayurvedic Case Studies on Sciatica
Case Study 1
An open randomized parallel group clinical trial was conducted on outpatients and inpatients (total 30 patients – age group 25 to 65 years.) at Department of Shalya Tantra, IPGT and RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar to compare the efficacy of Agnikarma and Siravedha in the management of Griidhrasi (Sciatica). They were divided in two groups wherein 19 patients were treated by Agnikarma and 11 patients by Siravedha. Agnikarama was done at lumbosacral spine and Achilles tendon region by Panchadhatu Shalaka. Siravedha was done from four Angulas below Janu Sandhi (Knee joint). Placebo starch capsules were given to all patients. Paired t-test applied for efficacy within the group and Chi-square test to compare the efficacy of two groups. Results of the trial showed remarkable improvement in relieving the cardinal symptoms of Sciatica individually in both the groups. 68.42% patients showed marked improvement and 21.05% had complete relief after Agnikarma. In Siravedha, 72.73% patients had moderate improvement whereas 27.27% patient had marked improvement. Since Agni possesses Ushna, Tikshna, Sukshma and Aashukari Gunas, which are opposite to Vata and anti-Kapha properties. Also it increases the Rasa Rakta Samvahana (blood circulation) to affected site. It was concluded that Agnikarma and Siravedha are simple, cheap, safe and effective in the management of Gridhrasi but Agnikarma is more effective than Siravedha in relieving the main symptoms of the disease.
Case Study 2
A clinical study was performed of Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) GhanVati (dried water extract) alone as well as in combination with Matra Basti in the management of Gridhrasi with special reference to sciatica. This study was conducted on outpatients and inpatients(total 119 patients – age group of 20-60 years) of Kayachikitsa and Panchakarma Department, Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar out of which 102 patients completed the treatment; 52 patients in group A (Nirgundi Ghan Vati) and 50 in group B (Nirgundi Ghan Vati + Matra Basti). The results showed that both groups showed improvement, but group B showed better results where relief in Vataja Gridhrasi was 44%, while it was 56% in Vata-Kaphaja. Improvement of pain and Toda was more in group B (62.19%) in comparison to group A(38.69%). Pain is produced mainly by Vata Prakopa, and Basti is the best treatment for Vata. Usna Virya of Nirgundi and Til-Sneha act synergistically to reduce pain and hence the better relief in group B patients suffering from sciatica.
Case Study 3
A comparative clinical study of Agni karma by using Lauha(Iron), Tamra(Copper) and Panchadhatu Shalakas in Gridhrasi (Sciatica) was conducted. This study was conducted on a total of 29 patients suffering from salient features of Gridhrasi, attending the OPD and IPD of I.P.G.T. & R.A., G.A.U., Jamnagar Hospital, irrespective of their age, sex, religion, caste, occupation, etc. Tamra Shalaka, Lauha Shalaka and Panchadhatu Shalaka were used for Agni karma in 3 different groups. The Results of the study showed that Fifty percent patients in Panchadhatu Shalaka (Group A) were completely relieved. In Lauhadhatu Shalaka (Group B), the success rate was 00.00%, and in Tamradhatu Shalaka (Group C), the percentage of success rate was 14.28%. Agni karma by Panchadhatu Shalaka provided better result in combating the symptoms, especially Ruka and Tandra, while Lauhadhatu Shalaka controlled the symptoms Spanadana and Gaurava, and Tamradhatu Shalaka controlled the symptoms Toda, Stambha and Aruchi.
Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.