What does ‘Fullness of Life’ Mean To You?
Mary Duggan from New Zealand, author of the book ‘Miracles, the Magic of Life’, takes my interview.
Question: When you hear the words FULLNESS OF LIFE what do they mean for you?
My Answer: When I listen to the words ’Fullness of life’ this appears to me to be living the life in the blissful state of Complete and Holistic approach to living every single day with comprehensive awareness in regards with –
- Being joyful, happy and energetic
- Having warm and committed relationship
Giving and receiving unconditional love
Having abundance, prosperity and success in your ventures.
Realizing the potential of being human
Being able to discover your passion and the very purpose of your life.
Being ever so grateful for the human experience that we are gifted with!
But most of all, being a holistic healer myself, fullness echoes in my heart with the word wellness.. i.e. to be well on all arenas of life Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Emotional well-being.

Question: Were there times in your life when you didn’t feel that fullness?
My Answer: Yes, I guess. This was the time when I had expectations in mind towards acquiring fullness in my life. At that period of life, I can think it now that although I had the knowledge, but was yet to quire Wisdom which came to me with time. And the art of giving, sharing, healing….brought in abundance and fullness in all spheres of life.
Question: How did you get back on track?
My Answer: When I discovered my passion.. writing, speaking, providing consultations (mainly to relieve suffering) and sharing the holistic wisdom globally with one and all….so that the ancient holistic healing sciences of India … Ayurveda, Yoga, Spiritual healing and meditation reaches out to heal the world. Trying to create awareness and provide substantial overview of healing the body, mind and soul while learning as I myself travel the journey each new day.

Question: How would you help someone struggling with an issue in their life?
My Answer: I tend to help by what I believe I’m good at and comes to me more naturally. I would share relevant info with them in my writings, they can discuss their issues with me through sending me a mail and I get back with assurance and most of all I try to help them to arouse the Healer within.
Question: How do you choose to express and experience your abundance, your joy, your love your energy?
My Answer: I am a doctor and holistic healing coach, but most of all I feel comfort in expressing and experiencing my abundance through writing (be it through authoring books, articles, columns in newspapers and magazine, on websites and blogs and blogging in my own blog) and also taking up speaking assignments with big and small organizations / institutions and also publically being connected via social media.

Question: What are you most excited about right now?
My Answer: I’m really excited about offering a world of healing through the natural healthcare wisdom from the 5000 years old science of Ayurveda which originates from my country India. Feels like being an ambassador or an instrument to be holistically living, supporting and sharing its wisdom with the world. And my focus is on Preventive therapy which is surely going to be savior for the existing and coming generation.
Question: Is there anything else you would like your listeners to know?
My Answer: Yes I would like to convey that each one should take responsibility of his / her own health. Get over dependency of medications and physicians. The healer lies within, not without. Learn the basics of how to live your life. Right diet and lifestyle (aahara and vihara), connect with Mother Nature, live in Gratitude, practice forgiveness and unconditional love and enjoy fully the bliss of human life! My website portrays all of my work as holistic healer and my blog has lots of relevant stuff and guidance about the same. My focus area is Dosha Healing which demonstrates and teaches you Ayurveda principles of self – Identification, Self – Understanding and Self Care & Management. You can reach me by sending email at sonicakrishan@gmail.com, invite for a talk / seminar or workshop, discuss and fix up for online / offline consultancy and also you may order my books at Amazon.
About the Author:
Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.
Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon
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Very nice!