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Ulcerative Colitis |
What is Ulcerative Colitis?
The signs and symptoms of IBD vary depending upon the location and the severity of the inflammation. Some of the common symptoms include diarrhoea often with blood, mucous or pus, abdominal pain, urgency to defecate, rectal pain and bleeding, fever, fatigue, weight loss and children fails to grow. The disease of ulcerative colitis has the tendency to present recurrences and remission. The exact cause of Ulcerative colitis is still unknown but it is believed that infection, food sensitivities, emotional factors and also some physical activities tend to aggravate the disease remarkably. Certain tests like blood tests, stool sample, colonoscopy, X-ray, CT scan etc can be performed to diagnose ulcerative colitis. Mainly the Sigmoidoscopy reveals presence of small sized multiple ulcers.
Ulcerative Colitis According to Ayurveda
The diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis in terms of Ayurveda is classified as:
According to Ayurveda, ulcerative colitis is primarily a disease of Pitta dosha with varying degrees of Vata involvement. The natural properties of Pitta include: burning sensation, heat, pus formation (suppuration), perspiration, putrification, itching, bleeding (raktasrava), anger and intensity. Also, the inherent Pitta dosha qualities are: heat, sharpness, liquidity, light, slight unctuousness, sour or pungent smell, acidic or sour taste, red, yellow, and dark blue colours. The qualities and actions of vitiated Pitta dosha present in the prime signs and symptoms of the disease of ulcerative colitis.
Signs and Symptoms (Poorvarupa and Rupa) of Ulcerative Colitis
The Poorvarupa or the Pre-symptoms which provide with initial presence of ulcerative colitis include urgency to defecate, very mild intermittent abdominal cramps, mucous in the stools, unexplained fatigue, dullness of the complexion, nervousness, mild vertigo, intolerance, unpleasant body odour, weight loss, occasional brief but sharp rectal pain, dark yellow urine, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, longer duration of menstruation, and a sensation of fullness in the lower abdomen.
Whereas when the disease has fully developed, the complete symptoms or the rupa will be seen as bloody diarrhoea, pain in the abdomen, loss of weight, general debility and low grade fever.
Ayurveda Analysis of Ulcerative Colitis
The excessive consumption of Pitta ahara (Pitta-aggravating foods) and Pitta-aggravating regimens initially damages both rakta dhatu and mamsa dhatu. Vata dosha in the lower colon is also aggravated and in the early stages blocks the Pitta and Kapha channels causing further inflammation, mucous accumulation and oedema.
Ayurveda Treatments for Ulcerative Colitis
The major forms of treatments in Ayurveda for Ulcerative Colitis are Basti therapy (enema), other Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatments, external therapies like Abhyanga, SSPS, Shiro Dhara, Chakra Basti, Hrid Basti and oral medications along with diet and lifestyle recommendations. Normally, administration of Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatments like the Basti therapy is followed by several months of oral medications. These Ayurvedic oral medications include the medicines to balance Pitta dosha, enhance the digestive power as well as help in healing ulcers.
Case Study on Ulcerative Colitis
A clinical study of 43 patients of ulcerative colitis has been conducted at the O.P.D. (outdoor patient department) and I.P.D. (indoor patient department) of the P D Patel Ayurveda Hospital, Nadiad. They were given Udumbara kvatha basti with oral Ayurveda medications including Kutaj ghan vati, Udumbara kvatha, and combination of Musta, Nagakesara, Lodhra, Mukta panchamrut rasa for a one-month period. Results were analysed statistically by using the ‘t’ test. In this study, it was observed that the signs and symptoms of the patients with ulcerative colitis were reduced, daily dose of steroids and other anti-inflammatory drugs were also reduced by more than 75% with a highly significant result. The haemoglobin level was also increased.
Some encouraging results in the patients (age group 20-40 yrs) of ulcerative colitis with certain Ayurvedic treatments showed that Ulcerative colitis is a disease of Purishavaha srotas. In Ayurveda, Raktatisara is mentioned as an advanced stage of Pittatisara. Piccha basti is also mentioned as a management of Raktatisara in Charaka Samhita. This disease can be co-related with ulcerative colitis. The treatment given to the Ulcerative Colitis patients for a study period of one month, and were kept on Pitta -shamaka, laghu, grahi and pathya food articles.
On the basis of clinical observation and discussion, it may be concluded that ulcerative colitis was found in middle-aged people between 20 to 40 years of age. The results obtained may be attributed to the disease-modifying effect of the trial therapy by means of its anti-pitta, vranashodhana-ropana, grahi and stambhana properties. All the signs and symptoms were reduced by more than 80% and the reduction was statistically highly significant. RBCs in stool which is the main clinical sign of this disease was reduced by 93.02%. Haemoglobin increased by 16.76%. The dose of steroids was reduced by 87.32%. All the results were statistically highly significant. The trial therapy is an ideal drug as a safe and effective alternative in case of ulcerative colitis.
Panchakarma for Ulcerative Colitis
Basti (enema therapy) which is one of the five Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatments has been regarded by the ancient Ayurveda text as the most important Panchakarma procedure having immune-modulatory property. Basti promotes the elimination of excess Vata dosha from the body and Ayurveda considers that the Vata dosha or the air body humor is the root of the majority of diseases which afflicts mankind. It is the moving force in the physiology which governs the formation, interaction, spread, and elimination of all biological substances and waste products. Generally two types of Bastis are recommended: Anuvasana Basti (medicated oil-based) and Niruhana (decoction-based).The Panchkarma Ayurvedic treatment of Basti karma is essentially provided at our centre which is beneficial in the treatment of many of the autoimmune diseases. Positive results can be obtained in the case of Ulcerative Colitis by intake of a specific herbal formulation after performing Panchkarma treatments. We also recommend external Ayurvedic therapies like Abhyanga, SSPS, Shiro Dhara, Chakra Basti, Hrid Basti, along with yoga, food and lifestyle changes specific to the individuals constitution ( Vata, Pitta or Kapha types). Some recommended specific foods in Ayurveda for patients of Ulcerative Colitis are old rice, barley, mung dal, urad dal, saffron, coriander, cumin, fennel, kidney beans, green lentils, cow’s milk and butter, goat’s milk and butter, almonds, water chestnut, pomegranate, banana, mango, limes, and kiwi fruit. Foods to be avoided are leftovers, spicy foods, white sugar, wheat, pasta, red grapes, vinegar, mustard, salty and acidic foods.
Ulcerative Colitis Case Study at Indus Valley Ayurvedic Centre
A client, 38-year male, came to IVAC with history of diarrhoea every time he would eat or undergo exertion since 8 years. This affected his work and marriage. He told us that although he had undergone various treatments but with no proper relief. He also revealed that through a friend of his he had come to know about Indus Valley Ayurvedic Centre and agreed to undergo the treatment program for 3 weeks. In the treatment, he was given a series of medicated enemas ( Panchakarma Basti Ayurvedic treatment) for 8 days along with internal medications. Also, he was educated on managing the condition with food and lifestyle changes and was asked to continue the medications for 6 months, gradually he was advised to taper and stop the anti inflammatory drugs he was consuming.
By the end of 3 weeks treatment at our centre, his steroid was stopped and his bowel movements got regulated to once a day and the client was able to get involved into day to day activities and was feeling healthier. Now the client tells us that after 6 months of medications, he has no symptoms and has stopped anti-inflammatory medications altogether.
Article published here
About the Author:
Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.
Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon
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