Ayurveda Doshas
Ayurveda doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are highly significant and essential for your natural health and well-being, are thoroughly described in Ayurveda science of Dosha Healing Keep your doshas balanced and enjoy the fruit of your health and happiness lifelong! But this is easier said than done. Doshas have the natural tendency to fall out of kilter and become imbalanced. Therefore, the crux of healthy living (physically, mentally and also spiritually) lies mainly in being able to keep your doshas balanced and in natural state.
Dosha is the Sanskrit term for “that what vitiates.” Thus, doshas are the body humors that imminently make up the body and yet they are very easy to be vitiated.
Ayurveda believes that as and when the three humors are in the state of natural equilibrium, these tend to sustain natural well-being. And on the contrary, when the doshas fall out of balance, then these are reason enough to make the body ailing.

Ayurveda Doshas
The three doshas vata, pitta, and kapha get easily influenced by our everyday diet and lifestyle, wherein the doshas lose their equilibrium. They tend to either decrease or increase in the body and this makes them to result in forming of a disease.
Vata, or the air, is responsible for eighty types of ailments.
The pitta, or fire, humor accounts for forty types.
The third, kapha, or the phlegm body humor, results in production of twenty types of maladies.
Ayurveda Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Vata dosha is comparable to the atmospheric air, both in character as well as functioning. Similarly, the Pitta dosha corresponds to the sun, and Kapha dosha relates to the moon respectively.
Vata dosha is erratic and mobile like the air.
Pitta dosha is responsible for the processes of absorption, assimilation and digestion as the sun makes the water to evaporate.
Kapha humor accounts for solidifying the body and the formation of unctuous matter in the body as the moon would accomplish in the universe.

Ayurveda Doshas
Ayurveda Doshas in the Body
Within the body, Vata is believed to occupy mainly the area beneath the umbilicus. This indicates the body region of the intestines and the lower extremities.
The pitta dosha resides largely in the body area between the heart on the upper side and umbilicus on the lower side. This area is also the chief abode of the stomach.
The kapha dosha is present principally in the head and neck region, demarcated as the body area above the heart.
Ayurveda Doshas and Age
Ayurveda Doshas |
Vata dosha is naturally on the rise in the old age. This accounts for the nervous system limitations and joint pains that are generally more obvious at this period of the age.
Pitta dosha manifests in the middle age which makes it understandable to be intrigued with digestion afflictions and acidity during youth.
As in childhood there are more instances of respiratory infections and more mucous production. This authenticates for the natural expression of Kapha dosha in the childhood.
Ayurveda Doshas |
Ayurveda Doshas and Meals
Vata dosha relates to the period of finishing of the meal. This is termed as Pakvavastha.
Pitta is naturally evident during the time the food is being eaten. This is the Vidagdhavastha.
Kapha dosha is more apparent at the beginning of the meal, and this is Aamavastha in Ayurveda terminology.
Ayurveda Doshas and Time
According to Ayurveda science, the three doshas vata, pitta and kapha show natural demonstration at varied times of both day and night.
Vata dosha manifests between 2:00 to 6:00 am and pm.
Pitta dosha is apparent in the middle part of both day and night—between 10:00 to 2:00 am and pm.
Kapha relates to early timings of 6:00 to 10:00 am and pm.
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About the Author:
Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant at Herboveda and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.
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